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South32 Rottnest Channel Swim

Whether you’re swimming or spectating, don’t miss one of the most exciting events on the Rottnest Island calendar.

Highly regarded worldwide as one of Western Australia’s most iconic events, the South32 Rottnest Channel Swim is a 19.7 km open water swim from Cottesloe Beach to Rottnest Island.

Be part of the action 

Will you attempt the challenge? Cross the Rottnest Channel as a team of four, pair of two, or, for the extremely dedicated, as a soloist. Regardless of the category you participate in, the South32 Rottnest Channel Swim is a team event, with all participants surrounded by a network of paddlers, skippers and support crew.

For full event details, including how to register, briefing dates and advice for training and preparation, head to the South32 Rottnest Channel Swim website.

Cheer from the sidelines

Conquering the South32 Rottnest Channel Swim is no easy feat. Be there to cheer on the swimmers and support crews as they cross the finish line and celebrate their achievement at Thomson Bay.

The best vantage points to see the participants arrive are:

Important information for boats

The South32 Rottnest Channel Swim event day is one of the busiest for the Rottnest Island Marine Reserve. To assist with ensuring the safety of participants and spectators, please familiarise yourself with water closures here.

Ferry Services

Make a day of it and take in all the excitement of the event and then spend the day soaking up the sights of Rottnest Island.

Explore ferry options


As one of the busiest days of the year for Rottnest Island, we encourage you to leave plenty of time to find parking at the ferry terminals before your departure time.

For visitors departing from B Shed in Fremantle (Victoria Quay), additional parking will be available at South Metropolitan TAFE Fremantle Campus. Alternatively, consider departing from North Fremantle (Rous Head).

The South32 Rottnest Channel Swim event day is one of the busiest for the Rottnest Island Marine Reserve. To assist with ensuring the safety of participants and spectators, please:

  • Slow down in the bay. The limit is 5 kt and it’s better to go too slow than too fast. 
  • Watch out for people swimming around the mooring area.
  • Please don’t bring over or use large centre consoles as tenders or for general transport needs unless necessary. Standard vessel rafting rules apply.  
  • Familiarise yourself with  water closures here

Rottnest Island admission fees are waived for competitors of the South32 Rottnest Channel Swim (this includes the person onboard the support vessels (skipper/paddler/support crew etc.), clearly displaying the official Event boat sticker(s).

All other vessels entering the Rottnest Island Marine Reserve are required to pay admission fees which can be done online here. Paying online allows the rangers to confirm your admission fees have been paid and avoid any penalties.

To rent a mooring for the day, book online here.

Where to find South32 Rottnest Channel Swim

The event is held in Thomson Bay. The swimming channel is just south of the main jetty, with the best viewing points being South Thomson beach, the grassed area in front of the Salt Store building and on the mezzanine area above the Visitor Centre.